Sunday, 30 August 2009

CAC Ballasagyarmat, HU

Little Sandra got her´s first hungarian jun. CAC (judge Mr. László Istvan).

CAC Nowy Targ (PL)

16.8. Gordon did it again! He got CAC and BOB (Judge Mr.Kazimierz Rychlik,PL) and finally was our Toby´s son 3. best working dog on this show!

FCI Eurosighthound and Club show Mojmírovce, SK

8.8. Saluki Bahyia Tall Afar (breeder and owner our dear friend Zuzana Cibulková)got CAC, BOB, Eurosighthound winner´09 and BIS 3 under the judge Maria Teresa Durando (IT). Big congratulation to Zuzana!

9.8. Toby´s son Gordon Isis Wind and daughter Emmeline Isis Wind got both CAC in working class under the judge Olga Koshareva(RUS). Gordon got also his first title Beauty and Performance winner! ongratulations to Slávka, Roman, Eugenia and Deni!