Sunday, 19 July 2009

CAC Mladá Boleslav (CZ)

Toby´s daughter Erzena Blue Lásky dar became in Mladá Boleslav Exc.1, CAC and the title National Winner (judge Mr. Andraš Plgar). Big congrats to Markéta Bašková, her proud owner!

Monday, 13 July 2009

Club show Gödöllő (HU)

Sandra´s mother Cikk - Cakk got last saturday on the Hungarian Club show in Gödöllő Exc.1, CAC and became the title Club winner under the judge Mr. Jean Louis Grunheid (F, Du Manoir des Ombreuses). Judit´s daughter won with Cikk - Cakk the 1. place in Junior handling as well! Big congratulations to all family!

National show Košice (SK)

Iggy Sandra, shown for the first time in the young class, won Exc.1 and jr.CAC under the judge Mrs. Ridarčíková (SK).

Photo by Tall Afar + Duelano