Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Father & son

Fleet Fellows Insider proudly presents his son Indalo Isis Wind. Our little sweetie Indalo will move in few days to Germany to live with our dear friends Ingrid and Anton + his father Isi and uncle Carlos.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Monday, 16 November 2009

Emmeline´s puppies!

Today our Emmeline gave birth to 8 wonderfull babies: 2 males and 6 females in red, brindle and white and brindle. We are very happy!

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Timmy´s weekend!

Our Timmy, handled by his co-owner Ingrid Eggan, got his first CC on the show in Orkanger (NO)and was 2. Best dog. That was a nice gift to his 3. birthday. We send Timmy a big kiss!

Saturday, 31 October 2009

Yet 15 days to the wonder!

Emmeline´s first puppies will be born, we are so happy about this....

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Toby become grandfather!

Toby´s daughter Emmeline "Luty" is pregnant! She will be mother of of I - litter Isis Wind. Proud father is lovely Fleet Fellows Insider (agility & racing star).

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Sofi´s first show

ÖKWZR Trophy Winner Tulln, Austria: Sofi, for the first time in adult class got Exc.1 and CACA (judge Mr.Christian Vantu, RO).

Here comes the Princess!

Little Dervisch Pasarella Princess "Sofi" bred by Dan Groenlund lives now by us. Sofi is co-owned by me and Lux in Tenebris kennel.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

CAC Prešov (SK)

Sandra got her second junior CAC and became the title Slovakian National Winner! Judge was Mrs. Katerina Bauzhes (RU).

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Wedding day!

Toby´s daugter Emmeline just married! Daddy of her´s future litter is lovely Fleet Fellows Insider!

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Sixpack by Tall Afar

Welcome to the world: litter of six beautiful saluki puppies by Bahiim - Khazz al Firdous out of Abia Layla Tall Afar is born.

Sunday, 30 August 2009

CAC Ballasagyarmat, HU

Little Sandra got her´s first hungarian jun. CAC (judge Mr. László Istvan).

CAC Nowy Targ (PL)

16.8. Gordon did it again! He got CAC and BOB (Judge Mr.Kazimierz Rychlik,PL) and finally was our Toby´s son 3. best working dog on this show!

FCI Eurosighthound and Club show Mojmírovce, SK

8.8. Saluki Bahyia Tall Afar (breeder and owner our dear friend Zuzana Cibulková)got CAC, BOB, Eurosighthound winner´09 and BIS 3 under the judge Maria Teresa Durando (IT). Big congratulation to Zuzana!

9.8. Toby´s son Gordon Isis Wind and daughter Emmeline Isis Wind got both CAC in working class under the judge Olga Koshareva(RUS). Gordon got also his first title Beauty and Performance winner! ongratulations to Slávka, Roman, Eugenia and Deni!

Sunday, 19 July 2009

CAC Mladá Boleslav (CZ)

Toby´s daughter Erzena Blue Lásky dar became in Mladá Boleslav Exc.1, CAC and the title National Winner (judge Mr. Andraš Plgar). Big congrats to Markéta Bašková, her proud owner!

Monday, 13 July 2009

Club show Gödöllő (HU)

Sandra´s mother Cikk - Cakk got last saturday on the Hungarian Club show in Gödöllő Exc.1, CAC and became the title Club winner under the judge Mr. Jean Louis Grunheid (F, Du Manoir des Ombreuses). Judit´s daughter won with Cikk - Cakk the 1. place in Junior handling as well! Big congratulations to all family!

National show Košice (SK)

Iggy Sandra, shown for the first time in the young class, won Exc.1 and jr.CAC under the judge Mrs. Ridarčíková (SK).

Photo by Tall Afar + Duelano

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Barsoi Cezar

"Our" barsoi Cezar from dog shelter in Olomouc (CZ) left yesterday to his new home in Germany. We wish him all the best in his new life! Many thanks to Jana Fulmeková (Lux in Tenebris kennels) for her´s involment and help! Today i got pics from Cezar in his new kingdom, he looks very happy...

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Famous weekend

* Our Timmy,handled by his co-owner Ingrid Eggan, got this week in Székesféhervár (HU), CAC, CACIB and BOB (judge József Hódosi) and CAC, r.CACIB (judge Simu Calin, RO)

* Toby´s son Gordon won his next coursing in Niederabsdorf, Austria with CCLA title

* Toby´s daughter Emmeline took 3. place on the racetrack in Marchegg, Austria (Soloracing)

Saturday, 20 June 2009

5 months!

Our Peter has a 2 brand new teeth and is already 5 months old!

Sunday, 14 June 2009

CACIL Krenglbach (A)

Our lovely Emmeline took 4. place in Krenglbach in A finals. Well done, little princess!

Photos: Balifail

Saturday, 6 June 2009

CACIL Rábapatona (HU)

Today got Toby´s daughter Emmeline Isis Wind her´s second CACIL on the racetrack in Rábapatona and she is already International Racing champion!
We are very happy and proud of our A 1/2 girl!

Photo by: Marta Koziarowski (Balifail whippets)

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Another BOB for Sandra´s mom!

Yesterday we got a wonderful news from our dear friend Judit (Fortuna Romana kennel): Sandra´s mother Cikk - Cakk got on the National show in Nyíregyháza (HU) her´s next CAC and 13. BOB title in champion class. Judit´s beaufiful hungarian greyhound got also BOB and her´s daughter was placed second in junior handling competition. Congratulations to all family!